Happy new year!
A week into 2024, how are your new years resolutions going so far?
Heading into 2023 we resolved to raise the bar on our unique, enjoyable, and impactful content. Over our 53 newsletters in 2023 our most widely read post was our deal announcement.
We launched and shared 12 Tech Recipes designed to help anyone solve common business problems with software. A few ideas for how to use ChatGPT was the most well received post.
We continued our Q&A with industry leaders, and two of those Q&A’s stood out. Our Q&A with Jaclyn Nelson, the CEO of Tribe AI and our Q&A with Stefan Sigurdson, CEO of Allen Roofing & Siding.
Our goal with what we share, no matter the content type - is to help make technology work for you and your business. These top posts tell us that’s what you want to see. The numbers are only part of the story. So, for 2024 we thought we would ask you, dear reader, what you would like to see more of.
If you have another answer or feedback to share, please
or reply directly to this email.
Thanks for continuing to read!
Yours in technology,
The EBH Team